After the storm… the waves!

Late March in Brittany, a long 3 day-weekend for Easter, a changeable weather with winds up to 110 km/h, showers that give some the desire to snuggle by the fire while others dive into… the English Channel at 10°C. Crazy people? Nope, surfers! With a board, bodyboard, stand up paddle and especially a wetsuit, it …

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Skatepark – second round

As I spent a great time watching the riders the first time, I decided to go back to the skatepark the next Sunday. These guys are good:

Skatepark – first attempt

Spring is back, let’s make the most of the weekend by exploring the neighbourhood ! I headed to the Martin Luther King park (in Paris) and more precisely to the skatepark. Some good acrobats were practising scooter and rollers. An occasion for sport photography, quite rare with me. The result in pictures: