3 days in Berlin – places of memory

As my trip’s main goal was not photography, I also visited museums (Altes and Neues Museum, and the Museum für Fotografie). By the way, they have very convenient lockers to wander with light shoulders! A building particularly stayed in my mind since the first time I had seen it 20 years before: the Kaiser Wilhelm …

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3 days in Berlin – throughout the streets

The touristic places are not always easy to shoot: people everywhere and so many photos were taken that it will be difficult to take an outstanding shot. What you can do is observe people: Tourists in front of the Brandenburg gate In Berlin, it is also impossible not to see the city’s symbol. Here is a small collection: But …

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3 days in Berlin – night strolls

Night offers a different perspective and reduces greatly the number of tourists, which can be helpfull to shoot symbols like these ones: It’s also at night that the Sony Center reveals its colour range the best: And that buildings sparkle: At last, there are atmospheres which simply do not exist at daytime: Next week, I’ll …

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3 days in Berlin – Mitte

I had heard the Friedrichstrasse shopping center offered interesting photo possibilities. I had to check and I found this: Right next to it is the Gendarmenmarkt place with its French and German churches that I dreamt of seeing again since my first visit about twenty years before. What’s better than a flower pot to brighten up …

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3 days in Berlin – the eclipse

In this article of March the 25th 2015, I promised to show you the photos I had just taken in the German capital “soon”. I don’t know what you expect with “soon” but I was certainly not thinking “in a year”! Unfortunately, I am even later with other subjects but “better late than never”! Let’s start …

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Ich bin eine Berlinerin!

For once, here is a self-portrait taken in the Reichstag’s dome in Berlin. This obviously announces photos of that city coming soon, but also probably a new work on selfies 😉