I’m back!

After this long absence, here I am! My silence of these last months has several good excuses: In 2018, I decided to quit the company I was working for and went back to school. In 2019, I graduated, left Paris for Nantes and launched my freelance business of websites creation. Meanwhile, even if I had …

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A Belgian Eiffel tower

No matter how much I like the Eiffel tower, I wish I had less occasions to pay her a visit. A few months after wearing the French flag, she dressed up with the Belgium colours.

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Fluctuat nec mergitur

Just after the attacks in Paris, this photo of the Eiffel tower wearing the French flag colors came to my mind. Evidence apparently shared since it was indeed lit up in blue white red again for a few days. Here is the current and ephemeral version of the “iron lady”.

Because this is where I live

I judged the quality of this photo was not good enough to be part of the selection shown in this article but whilst many buildings in the world lit up in these colours, I felt like relighting the mourning Eiffel Tower. Paris – 14/07/2015

Sea Sheperd / #standup250 France

Saturday the 22nd August, a Sea Sheperd demonstration in Paris in memory of the pilot-whales slaughtered in the Faroe Islands, with Denmark’s support in spite of the European protection laws. Paul Watson‘s speech, founder of Sea Sheperd, translated by Lamya Essemlali, President of Sea Shepherd France More information: Sea Sheperd

Bastille Day with the Eiffel tower!

As last year, I watched the Paris fireworks for Bastille Day from a suburb city, to avoid the crowd. Here is the result: If you have a favourite one, please tell me in the comments!

Looking for a nice view

On my way to visit someone in Puteaux (Paris suburb), I discovered the Eiffel tower was visible from the train station. I then went back there on the 14th July to try shooting the Bastille Day fireworks. Et voilà!