Grenadines’ fauna

A few months ago, I took real vacations: an pleasant trip to the Grenadines and Saint Lucia on a catamaran! For once, the goal was not taking photographs but enjoying life. Obviously, I could not resist taking snaps when I was not splashing around. Here are some local specimens (click on the images to see the full slides): …

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First digital macro attempt

Until recently, I had only made one macro photography attempt, a long time ago, on film. Digital photography is a relief in that field because it allows failure at no cost. Obviously, when you are a beginner macro photographer, there is waste! After purchasing a 100 mm macro lense, I made a first test with …

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Sea Sheperd / #standup250 France

Saturday the 22nd August, a Sea Sheperd demonstration in Paris in memory of the pilot-whales slaughtered in the Faroe Islands, with Denmark’s support in spite of the European protection laws. Paul Watson‘s speech, founder of Sea Sheperd, translated by Lamya Essemlali, President of Sea Shepherd France More information: Sea Sheperd

Happy Easter!

This cute Scottish bunny joins me to wish you a Happy Easter!

Happy New Year!

With the New Year comes the time of good resolutions. As I have neglected my site and blog a lot in 2014, mine is easily found and started right away! Because in spite of my silence, I have not stayed inactive, on the contrary. I will show you soon the best of the past year, …

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