Sunrises and sunsets in the Grenadines

Last week, I showed you the different creatures I found on my way in the Grenadines and in Saint Lucia. But if there is very few wildlife on a boat, one of the advantages is the observation of the sunrises and sunsets. Can you tell the difference between them? So, when are you going?!

Grenadines’ fauna

A few months ago, I took real vacations: an pleasant trip to the Grenadines and Saint Lucia on a catamaran! For once, the goal was not taking photographs but enjoying life. Obviously, I could not resist taking snaps when I was not splashing around. Here are some local specimens (click on the images to see the full slides): …

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3 days in Berlin – places of memory

As my trip’s main goal was not photography, I also visited museums (Altes and Neues Museum, and the Museum für Fotografie). By the way, they have very convenient lockers to wander with light shoulders! A building particularly stayed in my mind since the first time I had seen it 20 years before: the Kaiser Wilhelm …

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3 days in Berlin – throughout the streets

The touristic places are not always easy to shoot: people everywhere and so many photos were taken that it will be difficult to take an outstanding shot. What you can do is observe people: Tourists in front of the Brandenburg gate In Berlin, it is also impossible not to see the city’s symbol. Here is a small collection: But …

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3 days in Berlin – night strolls

Night offers a different perspective and reduces greatly the number of tourists, which can be helpfull to shoot symbols like these ones: It’s also at night that the Sony Center reveals its colour range the best: And that buildings sparkle: At last, there are atmospheres which simply do not exist at daytime: Next week, I’ll …

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3 days in Berlin – Mitte

I had heard the Friedrichstrasse shopping center offered interesting photo possibilities. I had to check and I found this: Right next to it is the Gendarmenmarkt place with its French and German churches that I dreamt of seeing again since my first visit about twenty years before. What’s better than a flower pot to brighten up …

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3 days in Berlin – the eclipse

In this article of March the 25th 2015, I promised to show you the photos I had just taken in the German capital “soon”. I don’t know what you expect with “soon” but I was certainly not thinking “in a year”! Unfortunately, I am even later with other subjects but “better late than never”! Let’s start …

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After the storm… the waves!

Late March in Brittany, a long 3 day-weekend for Easter, a changeable weather with winds up to 110 km/h, showers that give some the desire to snuggle by the fire while others dive into… the English Channel at 10°C. Crazy people? Nope, surfers! With a board, bodyboard, stand up paddle and especially a wetsuit, it …

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A green Eiffel Tower

Two photos trips to the Eiffel Tower in less than two weeks, that’s unusual for me! After seeing it in blue white red after the attacks, here it is wearing the colours of the Earth for the COP 21 conference. Exceptionaly, I’ll show a lot of the photos I took at this occasion because the lighting was …

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